A summer purse with a small makeup bag or coin purse to match. There are also a few other purse designs in this pattern. However, this pattern is out of print and no longer available through Butterick. But it can be purchased on ebay or Amazon. There are a few different purse patterns included. You can find lots of listings for yesteryear patterns on ebay or Amazon. Just click on the pattern pictures below and you will be redirected to the listings for each.
I still have patterns from when I was young. I never get rid of them. You never know when I will use one of those old patterns. I know it's silly, but I'm a "pattern hoarder". LOL! I actually have this pattern, but will not part with it. That's why I'm showing sewers where it can be purchased. I remember when patterns were only about $1. Now they are a lot more expensive. Thus, I hand on to them.

Purses for me
I think every woman loves purses. My favorite purses are small ones. Carrying around a big old purse hurts my shoulders. So as I've gotten older I have switched to smaller purses with just a few compartments. It saves on the wear and tear on my body.
I do have a pattern on Handmade by Hoffy that I created to make the perfect organized purse. It's a little bigger, but holds everything you can think of. Pictured below is My Perfect Organized Purse. It's a free pattern. Just click on any of the pictures and you will be redirected to that post.

There are so many cute handmade patterns for purses. Because I love to sew, these interested me, especially the "Easy Knot Bag". So Simple and would be great to make. I love the others also.

Cute Quilted Bag
I hope you enjoyed this post on handmade purses and totes. A girl can't have too many purses, right?